Symptoms of Strep Throat is a contagious disease that is annoying sore throat and can cause severe pain in some cases. It continues to advance, if left untreated. Strep throat is caused by bacteria called Streptococcus, which can be transmitted through the air, especially if a person already infected coughs or sneezes.
It is good to know the symptoms of strep throat, so that you take action as soon as you think you have been infected with the bacterium that causes it. Start early treatment can prevent infection and spread of change, so keep an eye out for these signs:
- Sore throat and pain when swallowing
Severe blow-sore throat is not accompanied by sneezing like when you have a coldfever that goes above 38 ° C (high fever indicates an infection by a virus)
- In some cases, usually young children the patient may vomit and experience stomach upset
- Headache usually comes with the most severe sore throat
- Tonsils visibly swallowing and red spots may appear from the roof of your mouth
- The neck nodes swallow
A rash in rare cases
You should be able to tell the difference between a sore throat and flu or a cold. Colds also come with sneezing, coughing and fever of less than 38 ° C. When you have a cold or flu you have a runny nose, while strep throat does not make your nose run.
You should begin to doubt strep throat when you see that you have a sore throat that does not, in fact, it even gets worse if you take regular medication. If your sore throat is accompanied by a headache then chances are higher. When you start to feel very tired all the time then it is almost certain that you have been infected by the streptococcus.
If you pay attention to symptoms and you suspect that you or a family member has strep throat consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Do it quickly before it spreads and causes complications. Treatment is easy and all of the infection can be cured in a few days, because antibiotics are very effective against strep throat, especially if the infection does not spread.